This post is a quick and easy guide on how to clean windows using house hold products you already have.
Have you ever cleaned a window or a mirror and feel discouraged by how streaky it is?
Even after you’ve spent what seems like 30 minutes cleaning it and half a bottle of glass cleaner? You searched all the best ways to clean glass and for some reason, you just can’t seem to find the perfect solution.
Well, say goodbye to those days. This is the ONLY way I clean my windows and this tried and true way was passed down from my grandma.

So what do you need to clean your windows?
The ingredients are truly as simple and as basic as it gets…and that’s why it works!
After many failed attempts using cleaning products from the stores, I’ve found this is the ONLY cleaning solution that cleans my windows PERFECTLY.
How To Make Window Cleaner
The first step is to fill up a large plastic bowl with warm to hot water.
Now, you can also use a spray bottle, which is probably easier, but this is the way my grandma taught me so that’s just how I like to do it, but by all means, use a spray bottle if you desire. It will probably make your life easier.
Next, add a few pumps of dish soap and a dash of ammonia…and VOILA! You have your cleaning product.
It’s that simple!
The next thing you will need is a microfiber rag.
These are the BEST rags you can get for this! But if you don’t have them, paper towels work just fine, but you will go through A LOT of paper towels if you do this, depending on how dirty your windows are.
Begin Cleaning
Once you have your cleaning mixture and your rags, start cleaning the first window.
The way my grandma taught me which is the BEST way that works, is to start by dipping your rag into the mixture, wring it out, wrap your finger in the rag and wipe all the way around the edges and corners of the window.
Next, wipe side to side from top to bottom of the window, then repeat wiping up and down from left to right. Repeat this process until all the dirt is gone.
Immediately dry the window with a clean, dry rag with the same wiping technique you used to wash it. And you’ve got a perfectly, streak-free, clean window!
Repeat this process with all other windows and mirrors in your home. Happy cleaning!
This post is all about how to clean windows using house hold products you already have.
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