This post is all about places people forget to clean.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m no saint. I’m just as guilty of forgetting to clean these places too. We’re human, it happens!
Cleaning your house can be exhausting. Just cleaning the places you remember is hard enough, so it’s easy to overlook or put off some of these less popular places to clean.
You’d be amazed to see the kind of dirt and grime that has collected in certain areas of your home, and I’d say it’s probably about time we take a minute to give some much needed attention to those places.
I put together a list of the most common places you forget to clean that desperately need it!
This post is about places people forget to clean.
Places People Forget To Clean:
Shower Curtain and Liner
I had no idea you can throw a shower liner in the washing machine – but it’s true! I’d always just buy a new one. I get they’re cheap anyway, but why not to save where you can?!
You can wash your shower curtain (plastic or cloth) together with your plastic shower liner.
Throw your shower curtain and liner in the washing machine and add a small bit of laundry detergent and about a cup of vinegar. Set your washing machine to delicate or gentle wash cycle with warm water and a high water level.
Do not put them in the dryer. Shake them out and hang to dry.
VOILA! You have a clean – good as new – shower curtain AND liner!
Walls and Baseboards
It can be very tedious to clean walls and baseboards, which is probably why it’s one of the most overlooked places to clean in your house. But trust me, they need to be cleaned. And believe me, I’m preaching to myself 🫠.
One of the biggest places you want to make sure you get is under the kitchen bar where people sit and tend to hit their feet. Use a magic eraser or spray a small amount of Simple Green multi-purpose cleaner and wipe it down.
You have to clean your dishwasher?! That’s exactly what I said! I thought it’s already clean every time you run your dishwasher. Well…that’s not exactly true.
Believe it or not, there is grease, soap residue and other nasty particles that are hanging around in your dishwasher.
You can actually buy dishwasher cleaning packets in the store. Just shake it inside the base of the dishwasher and run the cycle.
Trash Cans
Who would have thought that trash cans can get dirty? Well, everyone 😂. We all know they’re dirty, but it’s not very often that we actually stop to clean them. Give your trash can a good wipe down inside and out.
Vacuum Cleaner

Have you ever noticed your vacuum cleaner is not working as well as it once did? It’s probably time to give it a good cleaning.
Apart from the obvious emptying the vacuum, also take a look at the brushes underneath it. I don’t know about you, but I shed a lot, and now I know where it all goes 😅. The best way I’ve found to get all the hair out of the vacuum brushes is to take a pair of scissors and carefully cut it out.
It’s a tedious job, but it’s totally worth it.
Vacuum cleaners have a lot of parts – the dust bag/cup, hose, filter…You’ll want to research how to clean your specific type of vacuum cleaner to make sure you do it right.
Tops of Cabinets and Fridge
When is the last time you looked on top of your refrigerator? I was SHOCKED to see how much dust had collected there! Also don’t forget the top of door frames and picture frames – those collect a lot of dust too.
Take a duster and go over all of those places, then I love to use Simple Green all-purpose cleaner to go over and really clean it up good.
Curtains and Throw Pillows
Yes, it’s time. Even curtains and throw pillows need a good wash every once in a while.
Thankfully it’s a pretty easy job. Just gather all of your curtains and pillow covers and throw them in the washing machine. Make sure to read the tags to see what special wash settings they require.
Closet Floor
This is a big one that gets overlooked for me! I’ll vacuum and mop my whole house, but I NEVER think to clean my closet floor. But think about all the shoes sitting there, how much you walk there if it’s a walk-in closet. It’s probably time we give that space some extra attention.
Give your closet floor a good decluttering, then vacuum and shampoo the carpet. (Or sweep and mop if it’s hardwood).
Washing Machine
Just like the dishwasher, this appliance needs cleaning every now and then too. You can buy a similar product that’s specifically washing machine cleaner that you just empty into the washing machine and run the cycle.
Shower Heads & Facets
Have you ever wiped the part of the faucet the water comes out and been absolutely disgusted by the black gunk that rubs off? I know I have 😳.
I honestly never even knew there was anything I could do about it other than try scrubbing as much of it off as possible. Then I saw my husband magically get rid of it all! Of course I asked him how he did it so I can tell you!
It’s actually so simple.
Fill a small plastic bag with white vinegar and tie it around the facet head so that it’s completely submerged in the vinegar and secure it with an elastic. Let it sit for about 30 minutes and bam!
For removable shower heads and kitchen sink faucets, we filled a bucket with white vinegar and let them rest in the bucket like that for 30 minutes.
They will be sparkling clean after, it’s AWESOME.
Window and Sliding Door Tracks
I cannot believe how disgusting the window and sliding door tracks get. Black grime, spiders and bugs tend to collect there, making it a very dreadful cleaning project. But I SWEAR it is worth it. You’d be amazed how clean and fresh you feel when those are sparkling clean.
The sliding door track is especially important because often the grime that collects there prevents the screen door from sliding easily.
Underneath Furniture
I never clean under my furniture because it’s just too much work to take the time to move or turn over big bulky furniture. But have you ever really looked to see what’s under there? You’d be so repulsed by all the cobwebs, dust balls and other gross things that have collected under there.
Use a duster and vacuum to really clean up the floor and bottom of furniture items.
If left unattended for too long, the microwave can really collect a lot of gross food inside it that becomes harder and harder to get off the longer you let it go.
I love these steam cleaners you can use to loosen and disinfect your microwave with. Then give it a good wipe down.
Stove / Oven

Okay, I know. I seriously have the best husband ever because he actually cleans the oven for me and does a GREAT job by the way!
Yes, it can be a hassle to clean the oven but just like the microwave, it’s good not to let it go too long between cleans to make your life a lot easier.
Remove the stove top grates and wash them soap and thoroughly dry. Wipe clean the stove top then replace the grates back on top.
In the oven, take out the metal racks and wash by hand. We just use Dawn dish soap to clean off all the gunk inside the oven. Don’t forget inside the oven door!
Much overlooked are the individual blinds covering all the windows in the house. Use a cleaning solution, and hand wipe each individual blind (both sides) on every window. I usually do it by hand, but I want to try this cleaning tool.
It’s EXTREMELY tedious but like everything else, completely worth it in the end. You WILL notice the difference!
Couch Cushions
Especially if you have kids, the amount of crumbs and other random stuff that collects under your couch cushions is incredible. A quick vacuum will do the trick.
If your couch allows it, it’s also a good idea to remove the fabric from your couch cushions and wash them. Follow the instructions on the inside tag on how to wash your particular covers.
This post goes over all the places you forget to clean.
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