Need inspiration for deciding on your New Year’s Resolution? Here is a list of # New Year’s Resolution ideas for you to make in 2024.

1. Drink more water
Drinking water is one of those things that makes everything better. It can help you skin, your mind, losing weight…you name it.
2. Stretch every day
Who can’t use a good stretch? This is a great practice to incorporate into your daily life to gain more mobility and youthfulness.
3. Be more present
Work on tuning out the distractions of life, and live in the moment with the people you care about and are with in any given moment.
4. Get off social media
Speaking of distractions, social media is one of the biggest. Consider ditching the social media this year, or setting a strict limit on it.
5. Improve your budget
Revamp your budget and stick to it. And remember to live within your means.
6. Pay off debts
Set a goal to pay off any debts you have. Put money aside from every paycheck, no matter how big or small, and chip away at your debt until it is paid off. There’s no better feeling than being debt free!
7. Save money
Is there a big ticket item you’ve always wanted but can’t afford? Or do you want a safety net of cash if things go wrong? Saving money is always a great practice.
8. Cook at home more
Try a new recipe each week. Try meal prepping. Whatever you do, try cooking at home more and reap all the benefits of a home cooked meal.
9. Read more books
Become a smarter, more well-rounded person just by reading books more. It can be informative, self-growth, or fiction novels. Just read!
10. Quit smoking
A new year is always a great time to break free of any bad habits. Smoking is one of them!
11. Quit drinking
Have a sober 2024!
12. Take up a new hobby
A new hobby is a great way to spice up the new year and grow yourself at the same time. Check out these 11 Most Unique Hobbies To Try This Year.
13. Exercise
Pick a workout that works for you. It can be 15 minutes a day.
14. Walk more
We often underestimate the power of walking. Start taking daily walks or choose to take the stairs each day. Be intentional about walking more and you will feel the benefits.
15. Lose weight
It’s different for everyone, but I have found that the best way to lose weight is to simply eat less. Eat smaller portions and stop when you feel satisfied.
16. Eat healthy
Determine that in 2024, you will make better food choices. Choose an apple over a cookie or use healthier ingredients when you cook.
17. Improve yourself
Take some time this year to reflect on yourself and be honest with what you find. If there is a place where you’re lacking, decide this year to work on that. It can be maturity, kindness, patience, being more empathetic, etc.
18. Reduce Stress
Intentionally take time for yourself and don’t allow the stresses of life to overtake you. Take more baths, make sure you are sleeping enough, prioritize your daily tasks and remove some things from your load if it’s too much.
19. Spend more time with family and friends
Take more time to set aside for family and friends this year. Slow down and don’t forget about the people who matter to you most.
20. Travel somewhere new
Go on an adventure this year. Expand your experiences and worldview and take a trip.
21. Organize your home
If you tend to allow clutter and mess creep up on you, don’t let that be your future in 2024.
22. Get more sleep
Decide how many hours you need each night, set a schedule and stick to it.
23. Learn a new skill
It’s always good to improve yourself continuously. We are never done learning. Sign up for a course and learn something you’ve always been interested in.
24. Floss everyday
A sure way to prevent those dreaded cavities.
25. Pray everyday
Praying every day can do wonders and transform your entire day.
26. Do random acts of kindness
It’s always a good practice to work on being kind. There’s so many ways you can do that. Work on being more generous and giving. Paying it forward at the drive-thru is a great way to do that.
27. Listen more
Practice listening before you speak.
28. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it at all
Be kind.
29. Get a new wardrobe
Update your style and give your closet a facelift.
30. Volunteer more
Spend your free time volunteering at a non-profit.
31. Learn a language
A new year is a great opportunity to finally decide to take on that language you’ve always wanted to learn.
32. Entertain more
If you love hosting or want to start hosting more, make it your new year’s resolution to entertain more in 2024.
33. Redecorate your home
Update your home decor this year.
34. Memorize scripture
Scripture is always a good tool for day to day living. Work on memorizing a new verse each week this year.
35. Mend a broken relationship
It’s a good time to reflect on relationships and see which ones need more work. Determine this year to mend a broken relationship.
36. End toxic relationships
During your reflection on your relationships, consider which ones may be toxic and causing you harm. Set your self free in the new year by removing the toxic people from your life.
37. Call home more
Make calling home more your New Year’s resolution. Staying connected with family is so important.
38. Be a better communicator
If you struggle with communication, make this your goal for 2024.
39. Expand your vocabulary
Find yourself repeating the same words over and over again? “That’s cool” or “nice!” Maybe it’s time to work on expanding your vocabulary.
40. Spend less time on your phone
I think we all need to add this to our new year’s resolution list.
41. Bring back family dinners
Have family dinners every night at the table.
42. Create a second income stream
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
43. Create a retirement account
The earlier you start the better. Start saving a little every month towards your retirement.
44. Pursue a new career
Why not pursue that career you’ve been thinking about. Dedicate 2024 to making it happen.
45. Consider therapy
Therapy or counseling can really help to overcome past traumas or areas in your life that you know needs work.
46. Keep the kitchen clean
Make it your goal to not go to bed with a dirty kitchen.
47. Start journaling
Keep a journal throughout the year. It can be really cool to see how far you’ve come by the end of the year.
48. Make your bed every morning
This is a good practice to have. Why not start now?
49. Plan a date night once a week
If you have a significant other, be intentional about planning date nights every week. And more if you have time!
50. Try a new restaurant every week
Be more adventurous with your restaurant choices and try something new each week. Keep a journal and rate each restaurant you try.
51. Keep your car clean
If you struggle to keep your car clean, make it your New Year’s resolution to keep it clean!
This post was all about the best New Year’s resolution ideas for 2024.
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