This post is all about how to clean granite countertops.
This might sound a little dramatic, but ever since my grandma first introduced me to The Original Bees Wax, my life has been changed forever. I have seriously found the BEST way to clean granite kitchen counters.
I remember buying all kinds of granite counter cleaning products, sealer and everything from Home Depot and Lowes. They were fine but none of them really made my counters look and feel great.
But I’m telling you, The Original Beeswax is the only product you’ll ever need to clean your countertops. It makes them SO clean and so shiny and smooth, it’s incredible. It leaves no greasy feel behind, there’s absolutely no build up over time and it smells AMAZING.
My grandma has had her granite counters for 15 years now and has never needed to apply sealer. Her countertops look and feel brand new and she’s only ever used The Original Bees Wax.
The best way to clean granite countertops is with The Original Bees Wax about once a week or once every couple of weeks and THAT’S IT.

How To Clean Granite Countertops:
It’s really so simple. You just shake the can and spray a thin, even layer of The Original Bees Wax to a section of your counters, then use a kitchen cloth or paper towels to wipe it down in a circular motion until it’s dry and you will instantly see the difference in the way it looks and feels.
The best thing about it is you can also use it for so many other things in your house. It’s not just for counter tops. The other major thing I use it to clean are my stainless steel appliances. My refrigerator, dishwasher, microwave, stove and even my trashcan.
Important: Do Not Use Glass Cleaner On Your Countertops
The Original Bees Wax is also 100% safe to use on countertops. And I want to stress this because I’ve seen so many people advertising the use of glass cleaner on granite and other countertops as the best cleaning hack ever, but it’s NOT true. Please do not use glass cleaner on your countertops. It actually will damage your stone over time. You can read more about it online or in this article I found, but it’s actually a terrible thing to do if you want your countertops to last.
This post is all about how to clean granite countertops.
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