This post is all about essential cleaning products everyone needs in their home.

Have you spent way too much time and money on products that don’t work? Or have so many products sitting under the sink that don’t even get used?
I mean, there truly is a product out there for EVERYTHING. It’s easy to get sucked into it thinking you need 100 different cleaning products in order to have a clean and well-kept home…I certainly did!
But I’m here to tell you that’s not true!
I’ve since learned the BEST, most efficient cleaning products that will give you the cleanest house on the block and make your cleaning efforts a whole lot easier and quicker. If nothing else, these are the 3 most essential cleaning products you need in your home.
This post is all about the 3 best cleaning products every homeowner should have.
1. The Original Bees Wax

This is the NUMBER ONE product I tell everyone they need for their kitchen!
The Original Bees Wax is truly the jack of all trades. You can use it on so many things, and it outperforms all of those more specifically tailored products I’ve seen out there.
I tried everything that was out there! Stainless steel cleaner, granite cleaner, granite sealer, oven cleaner…you name it, I bought it! But products started accumulating and space became limited. Not to mention it was so inconvenient to reach for a different product to clean every single thing, and they didn’t even work that great half the time.
Then, I discovered The Original Bees Wax, and my whole life changed.
Okay, that’s dramatic, but I truly can’t tell you how much easier this product has made my life and how pleased I am with the results!
My grandma introduced me to this product, and I cannot say enough good things about it.
Ditch all of those products under your sink and just get this one product and I swear, you will be thanking me! I use it to clean my granite counters, stainless steel appliances, cabinets…EVERYTHING!!
Every time I used stainless steel cleaner, it always left streaks behind, and I’d spend so much time trying to wipe it just right to make sure I didn’t leave any streaks. It usually it ended with me compromising on just a few. But with The Original Bees Wax, it leaves 0 streaks.
Yes, 0 streaks!
And that’s without buffing and wiping it over and over again.
It also leaves no fingerprints. In the rare case that you do leave a fingerprint behind, all you do is wipe it over with a dry rag and it’s gone.
Check out this guide on how to use The Original Bees Wax to clean stainless steel here.
I especially love to use it on my granite counter tops. Forget about sealers. My grandma has been using only The Original Bees Wax on her counters for 15+ years and has never needed to seal them. They are smooth as butter, it’s amazing.
I’ll get off my soap box for now, but trust me, if nothing else, you need this one single product for your kitchen, I can’t stress it enough.
{RELATED POST: How To Clean Stainless Steel – This ONE Product Will Save You!}
2. Murphy Oil Soap

One major thing The Original Bees Wax cannot clean is floors. It will make your floors extremely slippery, so the number one product that I have found to work the safest and best is Murphy Oil Soap. This is also such a versatile product that can be used on for multiple things and has been around for years.
Here is a list of things you can use Murphy Oil Soap to clean:
- Wood, tile or linoleum floors
- Dirty or greasy cabinets, glass-top stove or microwave
- Baseboards and other woodwork and furniture
- Walls
- Ceramics and porcelain (you can use it to clean your entire bathroom)
There are many other uses for it that I’ve seen people swear by on the internet such as leather conditioning, bug repellant and stain remover.
How To Use Murphy Oil Soap
Dilute 1/4 cup concentrate to one gallon of warm water. Be sure not to put too much or it can leave a residue. As long as you stick to the correct measurements, you will be fine.
Bonus: They also sell a spray bottle of Murphy Clean and Shine Orange Oil Spray that you can use to clean wood tables, cabinets and doors.
3. Simple Green Multipurpose Cleaner

Simple Green Multipurpose Cleaner is the best multipurpose cleaner out there. You can use it on pretty much anything except on wood floors. I use it to clean baseboards and trim, stove tops (not the iron grates), and tile floors.
You can go on the Simple Green website and see all the different ways you can use this cleaner.
This post was about 3 essential cleaning products every homeowner needs.
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