This post is all about gardening tips for beginners

When starting a garden for the first time, it can quickly get overwhelming by how much you don’t know. My first year gardening was a trial by error kind of year, but I learned so much from it all.
Though gardening is a lot of hard work, it really pays off in the end and is one of the most rewarding hobbies you can have.
I’ve put together all of the best tips for first time gardeners to help you get started on the right foot.
This post is all about gardening tips for beginners.
Top Tips For Beginning Gardeners:
1. Start Small
My first year of gardening we got excited and bought every kind of vegetable that sounded good. We got overwhelmed and had no clue what we were doing. I had several crops that didn’t do well or even grow at all. Try not to get too caught up in the excitement of it all and start with just one or two types of plants. You will get to that point but right now you’re just learning.
2. Do Your Research
Do a google search and learn as much as you can about how to grow the two or three types of vegetables you chose to grow.
I created a document on my computer where I organized each plant and the step by step instructions on how to grow each one. It makes things SO much easier when it comes time to plant, and you don’t have to keep googling stuff because all you have to do is refer back to your notes anytime you need.
3. Fertilize
Fertilizer really makes a difference and should not be overlooked when starting your garden. I use the Dr. Earth Organic Fertilizer and highly recommend it!
4. Test Your Soil
I bought these PH testing strips that determine the level of acidity in your soil. This is important because different plants need certain types of soil. You could do everything right, but if the PH levels are off, it can really affect your crops.
Once you determine the PH level of your soil, you can adjust accordingly.
5. Use filtered water
Aquacrest filter for garden hose is a great water filter that just attaches to your hose and delivers pure water for the best growth.
I will be using this for the first time this year and am really excited about it. My friend started using it and started getting bell peppers double in size! It’s amazing what filtered water can do for our crops.
6. Plan For Animals
We had to act fast. Deer, crows, rabbits, you name it, all started to infiltrate our garden and was eating our crops.
We rushed to Home Depot and built a fence out of plastic spears and netting. It was a very cheap and quick fix to our problem and it worked great.
For the crows, we bought a metal fence door and just laid it on top of our raised bed with the garlic and onion seeds in it because they kept digging them up. After that, we didn’t have any issues!
7. Issues WILL Arise
Seemed like every time we solve one problem, another one came up. It was truly a year of learning by trial and error. Plants can get diseases, bugs, and you just have to deal with these challenges as they come. The good thing is nature is very forgiving and you can usually fix the issues as they come, no problem.
8. A Dead-looking Plant May Not Be Dead
If a plant doesn’t look well, don’t rip it up!
Often times they’re still alive and with a little bit of care and attention, they can come back to full health! So don’t give up on your dying plants and instead research what the problem may be and try to bring it back to health.
9. Be Patient
It can be hard to wait for your crops to come in, and you might be wondering if you did everything right. You did, don’t worry. It takes a lot of time for plants to develop, but once they do the product of your patience and labor are so worth it.
Happy Gardening!
This post was all about gardening tips for beginners.
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