This post is all about how to tell your husband you’re pregnant.

So it happened! You missed your period, yet you still feel those awful period cramps. Maybe your breasts have become super tender, so you take that pregnancy test. And yes…you are pregnant!
Well congratulations! But after tears of joy, you’re probably thinking, “wait, how am I going to tell my husband?!”
Or if you’re anything like I was, you’re not even pregnant yet and maybe haven’t even started trying yet, but you sure wanna have a plan of how you’re gonna tell your husband you’re pregnant. Girl, I get it!
Telling your husband that the two of you have just created a human life together is super important news that deserves a well thought out, special announcement. Here are the best ideas for how to tell your husband you’re pregnant.
1. Gift him a dad shirt
This is how I decided to tell my husband we’re having a baby! And it was PERFECT! Just order the dad shirt of your choice (I got this “Cool Dad’s Club” sweatshirt from Etsy), put it in a gift bag with the positive pregnancy stick at the bottom of the bag, and sit back and enjoy his reaction.
Now if you’re impatient like I was, there was no way I was going to wait 7+ shipping days for the shirt to arrive to tell him, so I just ordered it, printed a picture of the shirt and stuck the paper in the bag. I told him I ordered him a shirt but it hasn’t come in yet. It didn’t take away from the experience at all.
His reaction was amazing. He just stared at the shirt for the longest time. I said, “read it!” And he read it slowly “Cool…dad’s…club…” then he looked up at me and said “…but I’m not a dad”. My face said it all and the tears started flowing. I will NEVER forget this moment! The biggest smile on his face will forever stick with me.
If you know you’re trying and want to order it already, then you will be prepared and can give him the shirt the day you find out. Just be sure to hide it well until then! Nothing like a false surprise!
Here’s the sweatshirt I purchased from Etsy.
2. Order a Starbucks announcement drink
What cuter way to tell your husband you’re pregnant than with a custom Starbucks drink that says “I’m pregnant!”
Just go to Starbucks and ask them to write “I’m Pregnant!” In place of your name on your cup. When you give him the drink, tell him how bad they misspelled his name. His reaction will be just priceless.
3. Give him a baby onesie
Another super cute way to tell your husband you’re pregnant is by gifting him a baby onesie. Nothing says “we’re having a baby!” Like getting a baby onesie. Bonus points if the onesie says “I love Daddy!” Or something to that effect.
4. Reservation for three, please
Make a dinner reservation at your favorite restaurant. Ask the staff ahead of time to reserve a table for 3 and have three place settings ready. You can even ask them to write a message on the third place setting that says “Congratulations” or “Welcome to the family”. You can even ask them to create a little dessert with the message on it if you’re feeling fancy. You are sure to get an amazing reaction out of your husband for this one!
5. Set the environment
Create a really special and intimate atmosphere to give the big announcement. Go on a hike and tell him at the top of a mountain or plan a picnic at the lake. Maybe you’d want to go back to where you first met. Anywhere that is beautiful or super special to the two of you would make a great place to tell him the exciting news. It will be a memory the two of you will cherish forever.
This post was all about how to tell your husband you’re pregnant.